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Breaking Free from Traditional Tools: A Better Way to Write Game Dialogues

· 2 min read
Drafft Team

If you've ever tried structuring conversations for a game, you know the struggle:

  • Raw JSON is a nightmare. Sure, it's structured, but debugging deeply nested dialogue trees quickly turns into a game of "Where did I miss that comma?"
  • Node-based editors can get out of hand. They’re great for visualization, but once you have more than a handful of choices, your screen turns into a chaotic web of tiny boxes.
  • Filling forms is frustrating. Some tools force you into rigid UI forms, making every dialogue entry a tedious process of clicking through endless fields.
  • Hardwired schemas can be limiting. If your tool requires a strict structure, adapting your writing style—or making last-minute tweaks—feels like fighting against the system rather than working with it.
  • Text-only formats can be overwhelming. Some approaches rely entirely on scripting dialogue in plain text, which can be powerful but quickly becomes cumbersome as complexity grows.